

Configuring SNMP using Cisco Packet tracer

 Sample Topology

  • In Cisco packet tracer with the below two commands SNMP can be configured. 

Command Syntax

snmp-server community <String> ro / rw

ro - read-only access

rw - read-write access

  • I have used the router in this topology as the SNMP agent. The configuration is shown below.

snmp-server community read ro

snmp-server community write rw 

  • Note the highlighted community strings, the same should be used to add the device to the SNMP Manager
  • Click on the PC in the topology and select the MIB Browser from the Desktop tab as shown below

  • Click Advanced and then add the required device details. Read community and the write community should be read and write respectively according to our configuration. Select SNMP version v3 and then hit OK.
  • As shown below,  navigate to the Routers properties. Here the system uptime has been retrieved from the SNMP agent using the get operation.  
  • Configuration changes to the managed devices is also possible using the Set operation. Here the name of the router is changed to Router-01 from Router. Change the operations to Set and make the necessary changes as shown below and hit Ok and then click the Go button to pass the configuration changes to the SNMP agent.  
  • Configuration changes can be verified from the CLI itself or from the Get operation from the SNMP Manager

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